【肯寶KB99 X 2019國際食品展】全世界食飲品廠商讓你一次滿足~✨✨✨
▶ 展覽日期:6/19(三)~ 6/22(六)
▶ 展覽地點:台北南港展覽館 1F
▶ 攤位編號:K1225a 麗多國際生技股份有限公司
1. 點擊下方網址完成登錄: https://bit.ly/2WjjYLp ,取得買主核發換證說明函。
2. 於食品展現場,攜帶參觀者本人名片2張 & 買主核發換證說明函,即可換票入場。
▶️索票詳細辦法: https://cloudcdn.taiwantradeshows.com.tw/2019/food/download/20190121.pdf
⚡️國外食品業者索票辦法 Pre-registration for international visitors
1. 點擊下方網址完成登錄 Click the link below to complete the pre-registration
2. 於食品展現場,攜帶參觀者本人名片2張,即可換票入場 Upon arrival at the showground during show hours, please present 2 business cards (should be in accordance with the registration information), proceed to the pre-registration counter to obtain admission badges.
▶️索票詳細辦法 Food Taipei 2019 Admission Policy: https://www.foodtaipei.com.tw/en_US/news/info.html?id=E2E8E5AD5539A46A
▶️立即索票: https://bit.ly/2WjjYLp